Why Do Florida Homes Have Textured Walls, and How Do I Make My Walls Smooth?

Smooth Walls In Florida Homes
This St. Pete home we remodeled last year featured smooth finish walls. This made wallpaper application possible in the stairwell and other parts of the home. 

Have you just moved to the Sunshine State from somewhere like California or New England?  Then perhaps you are surprised by the number of homes that feature textured walls.  Whether it’s the small, rough specks on a popcorn ceiling or orange-peel walls, or the more sweeping texture known as knock-down, texture can seem rough and strange when you’re used to smooth finish walls.  So why do so many Florida homes have textured walls?  And how do you make your walls smooth if you don’t like the texture?  Read on to find out.

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The New Shape of Home Design: 2021 Design Trends We LOVE

Design Trends 2021

When it comes to home design, 2021 is the year for turning a new leaf.  Favored design trends from the last decade are fading fast, being replaced by a bold sense of adventure in color, texture and style.  Read on to find out what’s “in” and “out” in 2021:

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