Stylish Storage Solutions with Home Renovations

home renovationsOne of the best things about owning a home is, of course, having your very own space and being able to set it up just the way you like. But when you have plenty of stuff and no practical place to put it, that freedom becomes a double-edged sword.

No matter how much space you think you’ll be able to take advantage of when you first move into a home, the classic outcome is: there’s never enough storage. The solution? Some simple and well-planned home renovations will help you put into practice the word that’s on so many lips these days: declutter.

Storage Solutions: One Step at a Time

First of all, be selective. Even before embarking on any home renovations to ramp up the storage, go through your belongings and cull what you really don’t want or need to keep around. The key is to remind yourself that you’re finding a place for everything that matters; jettison the rest (it’s liberating!).

Then take a good hard look at what you have and make some overall categories, such as sports equipment, kids toys, arts andContinue reading