Looking for information about concrete countertops? You must be getting ready to make the ideas for your dream home a reality? With the major floor plan and other layout details well in hand, now you can enjoy choosing the materials you like best for flooring and other finishes and fixtures. Here’s a chance to check your assumptions about what’s great for the kitchen.
Maybe you’re a real foodie and wannabe chef. At any rate, we all spend a good part of every day in the kitchen, so why not make it truly your own when choosing materials? Countertops will be high on the list. Naturally, marble and granite are bound to come to mind—but if you’ve never considered concrete for countertops, read on to discover why it’s both super good looking and supremely functional, too.
3 Great Reasons for a Concrete Countertop:
First: a concrete countertop is versatile. This is because concrete countertops are individually made by artisans and not simply mass produced. This may also be the reason why there are endless possibilities when going with a custom-made concrete countertop. You can have some real fun and even use concrete to create a marble-looking surface.
Unlike other natural stones, concrete can be moulded to form beautiful angles and curves. Aside from adding beauty to your home, concrete countertops can make the kitchenContinue reading