FAQs When Creating an Awesome Outdoor Kitchen

home renovationsWhy is it that food seems to taste that much better when dining alfresco? Maybe it’s the fresh air that whets the appetite. Whatever the reason, one of the many advantages of the Florida lifestyle is being able to enjoy a beautifully designed, fully equipped outdoor kitchen, custom built to your every specification.

Home renovations of any kind require serious planning, and an outdoor kitchen is no exception. In essence, you’re creating a whole new room, basically adjacent or connected to your house, containing all the culinary amenities. Homeowners who want to go the outdoor kitchen route usually have plenty of questions about the process, so let’s look at a few of the FAQs.

Q:  Should the outdoor kitchen be the same style as our indoor kitchen?

A:  The choice is entirely yours. In some cases, outdoor kitchens are considered an extension of the indoor kitchen, so the materials and designs used are somewhat similar. Top-of-the-line grills, pizza ovens and even fireplaces can be built into outdoor kitchens, and some people prefer to keep these heat-generating features strictly outdoors. But having an opportunity toContinue reading