Office Renovation: How to Turn Your Office into an Inspiring Workplace

Many professionals spend a great deal of time in the office. It stands to reason then that they should be comfortable and productive in it.

If Google – one of the world’s most successful companies – can turn stairs into slides, what’s stopping you from being creative with your office?
You may not have Google’s budget but you can find plenty of inspiration and office renovation ideas that are attainable and achievable.

Open Up the Office

Some of the best office areas have one noticeable thing in common: openness. Some might debate whether to go with a cubicle setting or change to an open plan where employees have an expansive view of the entire floor. But opening it up can make everyone feel part of the same team.

featured work lobby

In addition, you could remove not just cubicles but walls to make a feature out of ceiling and roof support. Interesting designs of beams and support structures overhead, combined with new lighting fixtures, can make the space feel airy and inviting. Opening up an office can energize the room and the people in it. It also

makes the area much more versatile so you could change the furniture layout regularly to relieve monotony.Continue reading

Plan Ahead for Successful Office Renovations

Good advance planning of all aspects of your office renovations will lessen the chances of unnecessary delays, work disruptions, and other potential pitfalls. If you want the process to go as smoothly as possible, here are a number of steps you can follow to ensure that your office renovations project will be problem-free.

Determine Your Goals for Office Renovations

Building Contractor

Having project goals in place is important before starting any office renovations. Here are some things you should ask yourself in order to determine your goals:

  • What is the reason for the renovations? Is it to install a new technology, update infrastructure systems, upgrade finishes, change how the space will be used, or a desire to improve office appearance?
  • What is your budget for the project? Are there sufficient funds?
  • Are there any issues that may affect the project schedule? For instance, will the building be occupied while the renovations are in progress?
  • Have you contacted a reliable remodeling contractor with experience in office renovations?

Office Renovations Work Best with an Effective Team

An important element for achieving truly successful office renovations is Continue reading

Renovating Your Office on a Budget

Is it time to renovate your office? You used to enter your office with a feeling of pride. Everything about it seemed to complement the essence of your business so well. But after years of use, the paint is chipping and the carpeting has deteriorated. And that’s just the superficial stuff.

Wake Up & Smell the (Stale?) Coffee…

renovate your officeWhen you take a good hard look at the surroundings, you can see that the layout of the space could work more efficiently and look much more attractive to both your customers and staff. That’s the first big step towards a successful office renovation: realizing that it’s time to make some improvements. Next comes moving forward with a sound plan and a realistic budget.


Let an Office Renovation Show Your Style

The office is the sounding board and launch pad for the creative ideas of your business. It’s also where you hold meetings and receive clients, so good first impressions count. So do bad ones. Keep in mind that you want to provide a pleasant vibe to anyone who enters for a consultation, plus a pleasant, well thought out environment for your employees. With the expert help of an experienced companyContinue reading