FAQs When Creating an Awesome Outdoor Kitchen

home renovationsWhy is it that food seems to taste that much better when dining alfresco? Maybe it’s the fresh air that whets the appetite. Whatever the reason, one of the many advantages of the Florida lifestyle is being able to enjoy a beautifully designed, fully equipped outdoor kitchen, custom built to your every specification.

Home renovations of any kind require serious planning, and an outdoor kitchen is no exception. In essence, you’re creating a whole new room, basically adjacent or connected to your house, containing all the culinary amenities. Homeowners who want to go the outdoor kitchen route usually have plenty of questions about the process, so let’s look at a few of the FAQs.

Q:  Should the outdoor kitchen be the same style as our indoor kitchen?

A:  The choice is entirely yours. In some cases, outdoor kitchens are considered an extension of the indoor kitchen, so the materials and designs used are somewhat similar. Top-of-the-line grills, pizza ovens and even fireplaces can be built into outdoor kitchens, and some people prefer to keep these heat-generating features strictly outdoors. But having an opportunity toContinue reading

Want Your Very Own B&B? Inspired Home Renovations Can Make it Happen!

home renovationsWhat makes a successful bed and breakfast? A good B&B is like a cross between a quality hotel and a private home, with extra personal touches and service. Individual guest rooms might number anywhere from just one or two up to six or more. The proprietors live on site in their own private space and connect with their guests in a way that is “homier” than a typical anonymous hotel experience.

These days, having a home business can be a great way to earn income. Rather than simply working “out of your home,” make your house itself the draw that works for you. If you’re the type who enjoys making folks feel comfortable and welcome in top-notch surroundings, running your own bed and breakfast may be just the ticket.

Include Home Remodeling Professionals in your Plans

Whether you want to escape the rat race and be your own boss, supplement your existing income or simply cater to your enjoyment of being a host or hostess, sit down with your building contractor to brainstorm about how youContinue reading

Home Renovations that Up the Value of Your Property

home renovationsIf you’re thinking of selling your home, you might want to sit tight until the real estate market recovers to a greater degree. In the meantime, however, consider some savvy home renovations to make some appealing improvements that can only ramp up the saleability of your property when the time comes.

Bear in mind that not just any home renovations will add considerable value to your home, especially when the market’s in a slump. Some improvements, in fact, can even detract from the eventual asking price. So just which home improvement projects are the best ones to invest in?

Three Big Value Enhancing Home Renovations

Here are three of the top home improvement projects that can increase the value of your home.

Reasonable Kitchen Remodeling

  • When prospective buyers view your home, one of the first things they will look at is the so-called heart of the home. Well-chosen kitchen updatesContinue reading

Is it Time to Renovate Your Bedroom? Home Renovations

Home Renovations by Custom Home Builders FloridaMention home renovations and most people think only of redoing a kitchen or bathroom. While these are certainly worthwhile projects in their own right, consider the importance of your bedroom space and how much time you spend there. If you aren’t really enjoying the mood of the room any longer and are frustrated by the lack of adequate closet and other practical storage space, think about the benefits of bedroom renovations. Speaking of bathrooms, however, if you’d like to add a gorgeous en suite to your master bedroom or refresh the existing one, embarking on bedroom renovations would be the perfect time to include perfecting the plumbing.

People renovate on the home front for their varying reasons, and increasing usable space is often a priority. But a space can also simply feel tired and need a revamp, updating the general design and adding a vaulted ceiling or a cozy, sun-filled bay window, for example. With the expertise of a skilled construction company with experience in all types of home renovations, your bedroom can beContinue reading

Home Improvement Projects for the Weekend

Yes, you love your home. You’ve been in love with it for the past 10 years—but maybe it’s time to do a little makeover and some home improvement projects? Some painting, gardening or carpentry that can be accomplished over the weekend. Just a couple of simple projects can enhance your home and make it more comfortable for your family.

Home Improvement: Start Small, Think Big

Most renovations and remodeling projects are generally best left to a skilled home contractor. But if you’re thinking of taking that next big step, sometimes just moving things around a bit in the meantime can let you look at your space through fresh eyes.

Help yourself picture what’s possible on a bigger scale—say, getting rid of that rickety, rotting deck over the carport and adding on a more family-friendly computer room in its place. Or just a place for the kids to play the latest video games and hang out with their friends.

Start small, and let some fresh ideas take hold. Sometimes a few DIY projects can help you spend quality time with the family while deciding together what larger improvements would be best.

Home Improvement Projects on a Small Scale

If you’re worried about what to do in your home improvement project, watch some TV shows about interior design and general home improvement—there are entire channels devoted to this now, and sometimes it’s hard not to get hooked! Browse through the many magazines featuring improvement projects, sure to show ideas about what and how to add beauty and functionality to your home.

Here are some typical smaller scale things you can do to perk up your home:Continue reading