Top 4 Kitchen Remodeling Tips

Kitchen Remodeling TipsA home can be greatly improved simply by remodeling the most-used rooms, such as the living areas, and especially a kitchen. There are plenty of homeowners, however, who don’t follow through on their dream to do a kitchen renovation because they don’t know what to focus on or how to start the design process.

Let’s look at four of the main things that really make or break a functional and attractive kitchen area.

Kitchen Remodeling Tips

You’d be surprised how much the following features of a kitchen can make all the difference. Achieve the best results when you remodel a kitchen, just by paying particular attention to these four areas when you start your planning.

  1. Consider color – Whether subtle or standout, color plays a huge role in the feel of a room. And with the amount of time you spend in your kitchen you want something that really inspires. Wall paint, countertops, window treatments, backsplash and floor tiles… it can be overwhelming to figure out what combinations really work. Whether to go for aContinue reading

Keep Your Sanity During Home Remodeling

Home Remodeling issuesHome Remodeling isn’t quite the same as having a new house built from the ground up. Sure, you still feel the excitement and anticipation about having a great new living space, but since most people remain in their homes during a renovation project, there are potential stressors to consider.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and ‘put upon’ when carpenters and other tradespeople are working in your surroundings. You don’t just occasionally drop in at the work site to see how it’s going, then drive away. Your living space is the work site, which will likely be ever-changing throughout the duration of the home remodeling project.

Home Remodeling Inconvenience: This Too Shall Pass

No dishwasher? You can DO it! Think ahead and make adaptations wherever you can. People can get testy when they can’t use their normal water supply in the usual place. Doing dishes in the bathroom sink can be a pain, but it’s manageable. If you have younger children, make it into a “camping” game. Reinforce with the family that this is only temporary, and that the end result will be well worth any short-term inconvenience.
Things you took for granted before; like a fully functioning kitchen or bathroom; will become a longed for memory pretty quickly. Be prepared for the idea that much Continue reading

Home Improvement Projects for the Weekend

Yes, you love your home. You’ve been in love with it for the past 10 years—but maybe it’s time to do a little makeover and some home improvement projects? Some painting, gardening or carpentry that can be accomplished over the weekend. Just a couple of simple projects can enhance your home and make it more comfortable for your family.

Home Improvement: Start Small, Think Big

Most renovations and remodeling projects are generally best left to a skilled home contractor. But if you’re thinking of taking that next big step, sometimes just moving things around a bit in the meantime can let you look at your space through fresh eyes.

Help yourself picture what’s possible on a bigger scale—say, getting rid of that rickety, rotting deck over the carport and adding on a more family-friendly computer room in its place. Or just a place for the kids to play the latest video games and hang out with their friends.

Start small, and let some fresh ideas take hold. Sometimes a few DIY projects can help you spend quality time with the family while deciding together what larger improvements would be best.

Home Improvement Projects on a Small Scale

If you’re worried about what to do in your home improvement project, watch some TV shows about interior design and general home improvement—there are entire channels devoted to this now, and sometimes it’s hard not to get hooked! Browse through the many magazines featuring improvement projects, sure to show ideas about what and how to add beauty and functionality to your home.

Here are some typical smaller scale things you can do to perk up your home:Continue reading